Beautiful bright crisp pink blooms kissed with rain drops. Oh how they smell so good. The rose bush was a gift from my oldest son and his daughter my first granddaughter.

Plenty of blooms for the humming birds to feed on before they make there journey for the winter.

Finally the morning glory flower has bloomed. This is the first bloom this summer. Not perfect but still beautiful.

These came up from last year. Such wonderful colors.

I see this little one very often in the garden while I am watering or weeding. I do talk to it often. I think it may be paying attention because its little head moves around and it rubs its front little legs together. I find most creatures fascinating. To take time and enjoy the beauty of Gods hand is a pleasure.

I found another goblet to add to my collection at a market. I need one more to fill the plate rack. Maybe I will find one at the fall festival this year.

In between the rain showers we had some sunny clear weather to get the peg board / plate rack painted. I can not wait to get it up in the dinning room. The kids went off to school today so it will have to wait a bit.
Blessing Til Next Time!
The flowers are beautiful! Those roses just gorgeous! The plate rack is really looking wonderful! Hope the kids had a great day at school!
Fall blooms are just as beautiful and precious as any other. I can almost smell the roses from here. Great picture!
Your flowers are beautiful!!! Mine are nearing the end of their lives. :(