Thursday, October 28, 2010

Feeling Like A Pin Cushion

I went to the hospital today for my kidney ultra sound & more blood work. I really like my primitive pin cushion but I sure dont like feeling like one. Now I am waiting for the results of the 24 hour kidney test from last week & the results from these two I had done today. I have two doctors appointments over the next two weeks then it will go from there. I am thankful the pain in my kidney is not as bad as it was before & right after the surgery. I will be very thankful when the pain all goes away. I pray that is sooner than later. I have been adding my primitive dolls to my side bar & reading you alls blogs tonight. The weather is getting colder here & the wind is getting up. Sam & I are waiting for Lucas to come home & Laken to get off work. When every one is home I think we will light the fireplace & some scented candles while we watch a movie & I work on a smaller pin cushion that is in the makings.

Just a little something to share & ponder on.

Kind Words Spoken Will Echo Kind reactions.

We may never know just how much a kind word to someone will make a difference in their life just as they need it. Kind words can make a frown turn upside down into a smile.

Blessings Til Next Time!


  1. Hi Lara:) You are so right. Let's keep turning those frowns upside down!
    I love the lil mouse on your pin cushion. Cute!
    I hope you get better quick and I'll keep you in my prayers.

  2. I so understand about feeling like a pincushion! I've been going through that too, but still no answers yet. :-( I hope you are feeling better and everything is o.k.! You are in my prayers! Thinking of you!
    Have a great night.

  3. Hope your feeling better soon!
    Pin cushion cute!
    I love the frown upside down, nice words,
    Take care

  4. Hi Lara!
    Hope you are feeling better soon!
    Don't forget to e-mail me your mailing address as I want to send you a little something for helping me out with my picturetrail link!!

    Have a wonderful day!

  5. Hi Lara,
    Came here from Carol/Firecrackerkids blog. Love your prims! I will add you to my prayer list. No one needs pain! And you are so correct-kindness does bred kindness.
    Have a great day.
