Wednesday started with the sound of cackling ducks wondering about the yard looking for a tasty snack to eat. Worms & bugs but I gave them a handful of chocolate Cheerios. Only one drake in the flock. He has so many hens to spend his time with. The drake belongs to Sam & he named him Drake. Drake is Sams pride & joy along side Toby his turtle.

Today was a first in a long time since I went to the barn. To my surprise Lucky was not in the bunny hutch. My heart sank. Ducks do come & go so I thought Lucky had expired. I asked my husband what happened to Lucky & he had moved him to the other pen where Lucky could get some exercise & peck in the dirt for snacks. I was amazed just how much Lucky had grown since I last seen the little duckling. Can you tell just how much Lucky grew?

The fish pond needed some TLC so I removed all the dead water lettuce & put it to bed in the flower bed. It has now became fertilizer. For now the fish are still in this pond. Not sure the other pond will be finished before winter.

The mums we got the other week have all been planted. One plant a day was all I was able to get in. Looks like we needed more to go to the end of this bed. Hope they sill have this color when we go by next time.

A beautiful new fall flag was hung. Those happy sunflowers always make me smile. So many thing needed done in the garden but so few got done today. More another day.

It was a bit chilly this evening so we decided to light the fireplace for warmth.

As the fire warmed the living room & dining room we ate diner & the boys did homework. Some T.V. later then off to pick Laken up at work. Lucas will get to drive Mom again.

Candles are lit & the warm scent of clove fills the rooms. The window candles are lit & all is cozy here at the homestead tonight. I started keeping a candle lit in the kitchen window 13 years ago when my oldest son was missing for almost a year. I kept it lit as a sign I would not give up on seeing him again. God kept him safe & brought him home again but to his own home by this time.

Some yummy green apples fill the bowl in the kitchen for a snack before bed tonight. I have a new recipe I want to try. Apple dumplings that were made in Lindas kitchen of Parkers General (parkersgeneral.blogspot.com) & tested by her husband Mike. I need to get to a store to get some things first.

If time allows I plan to look at some magazines & enjoy the articles. Maybe even do some catching up reading your blogs. I have tried some today & seen so many great fall displays in your homes.

This is the canner I bought a while back that I wanted to share with you. Thank you to all who commented on my post asking for help. In just a few weeks I plan on packing these jars with some deer meat & canning it.
May you all have a wonderful evening & a wonderful Thursday.
Blessings Til Next Time!
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